Statement of Beliefs

I. When addressing our Creator above we follow the original Scriptural example and call directly upon His name– Yah or YHVH (Yeh-ho-vah) as recorded. “God” or “Lord” is not His proper name and should be avoided when possible.

II. The Almighty Most High—YHVH (Yeh-ho-vah) is a singular perfect being. He inhabits eternity and there are no other gods, beings, or entities that make up the “Godhead” or otherwise. He is not a “triune” or plural entity consisting of separate or individual entities making one. The triune belief of three gods made into one god has its roots in Babylonian and Egyptian mythology and continued through the various world empires till adopted and retrofitted by Rome’s early church leaders and it eventually became the orthodox teaching with much contention. It was neither taught nor observed in the Hebrew Scriptures or by the early or later Prophets or Apostles in the New Testament.

III. The Sabbath and/or seventh day of the week is the commanded day of rest, worship, and celebration instituted by YHVH and continues to be the day set aside for His chosen ones. The Sabbath was established at creation for man and commanded throughout history and observed as an example in both the Old and New Testaments. No institution or religious body has the authority to change the day of worship to separate themselves from Jewish beliefs or the Hebrew Sabbath given by Yhvh Himself and observed by Him and the angelic hosts plus He reiterated it by commanding all to "remember" it.

IV. The Spirit of YHVH is not a third member of a triune, but the power and essence of the Creator Himself. It emanates from our Creator and is a tool (or an infinite source of power) for His will and pleasure. Multiple times it was made available from the earliest of times and cast upon His chosen ones and believers. Coming Soon: YHVH’s Spirit.

V. Jesus (the Latin name), in Hebrew Yehoshua or shortened Yeshua was a rabbi, prophet, teacher, and follower of YHVH. He was the son of the Almighty just like all Israelites were considered such and called by Yhvh Himself in multiple verses. Son of man is an attempt to make a human into a divine. The early patriarchs and prophets were considered a child of the most High. Followers of Him today are considered-His children, we call Him Father. Years after the fact, Jesus was made into a human/god savior to be worshiped in the place of the “Jewish” god by the Roman and gentile church after all the Jews were forced to conform or leave. Jesus was not and is not a member of a triune godhead nor one to worship. The Trinity doctrine or hypothesis allowed Catholic and Protestant scribes to interchange and substitute names and titles throughout the New Testament. Coming Soon: Trinity-Jesus. A look at Scripture without the trinity lens easily reveals that He—like His OT predecessors considered himself a “son of man” or human, a follower or fellow child of the Father (as did the Israelites) and he acknowledged such and was subject to Him and His law- “my Father is greater than I”. All OT references to the Messiah have been twisted to conform or personalized to the Jesus story but can be easily debunked with a little research into the original Hebrew. Coming soon: Messiah. Yeshua is considered the first born or first fruit of many to come and was considered a rabbi to his fellow Jews, and an elder brother in YHVH. Yet, idolatry entered into the early church. Scripture was adopted some 300 plus years after the Romans did their dirty deeds. No one may be worshiped other than the Almighty-the Father Himself. The Roman church needed a “savior” as was portrayed in pagan Roman theater by Virgil. His lead character had both a god and human parent. There was also a death and resurrection component featured as He came back from death to save the world. This story was extremely popular in all the Roman and pagan world prior to Jesus circa 100 B.C. or 100 years before his birth according to tradition. This same god/man story line had its original source–the ancient Egyptian mythology of Horus. Coming soon: Egyptian Christianity.

VI. Mary, the mother of Yeshua was an earthly and physical human being and is not nor ever was worthy of worship. To do so one is committing idolatry.

VII. The 10 commandments are part of the immortal law of the Creator above and all conduct is based on the premise of the Scriptures for human behavior as found throughout the Torah or Pentateuch. The law has not changed and a spiritual relationship directly with our Father in heaven is possible without an emissary according to Jer 31. He is our spiritual guide through the power of His own Spirit in alignment with our human spirit (breath of life). This connection and relationship is only achievable by the keeping of His laws. The renewed covenant reveals a direct relationship with the Father, Jesus or a lesser man or god is mentioned. Coming soon: The Law. Coming soon: Sin.

VIII. The Roman Empire and the belief system of the early Roman Church continues in Christianity—found in both Protestantism and Catholicism—as well as other independent and dependent religions and is fraught with error. The adoption of pagan holidays and other days of worship and practices are contrary to the law of YHVH. These include but are not limited to Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc. Coming soon: Holidays. The pagan ways of worship were readily adopted and with a washing of holy water that the pagans had used themselves, the service and its structure and props were adopted directly from the pagans.

IX. The “New” Covenant is not equivalent to or a direct reference to the New Testament. The NT is more precisely known as the Catholic Bible or Epistles and the OT—the Hebrew Bible. Jeremiah 31 is in the Old Testament! and does not do away with the law or the Torah but allows for one-on-one contact and a personal relationship with YHVH Himself in an individual and personal format, and He will guide His called out and separate people directly and, in His time, will take over control of the earth and live and dwell among these righteous. This covenant is with the combined houses of Israel—both Judah and Ephraim (Israel) and those who follow Him. He will supernaturally bring together all His chosen at His appointed time.

X. Repentance is a necessary component for salvation. We simply ask our Father for forgiveness, and He is quick to do so in most circumstances. There are criteria such as “the sincerity of your heart” that play a role in forgiveness as well as the severity of the sin. Sacrifices are not required. The proper attitude and regret are each an integral part of the process. When we sin, which is the breaking of the law, we separate ourselves from Him. We must cease to sin immediately upon recognition. (It is what we knowingly do that is held against us–and that we must change.) David, as an example sinned and was forgiven upon repentance. He did accept responsibility and faced the consequences for his actions as he knew what he did was wrong. Coming soon: Repentance.

XI. Baptism is an Egyptian and/or Roman church addition and has pagan roots and is not required for salvation. Belief in and obedience to YHVH is all that is required. This is achievable and obtainable just as it was for His chosen ones and people—down through Abraham’s seed through Jacob or Israel and believers today. Most who sinned simply refused to accept YHVH as the one and only true god and instead chose other manufactured gods disobeying His commands. The same options for obedience/disobedience are available today and salvation is as simple as choosing, the acknowledgment of, and belief in Him with obedience as He requires it. Coming soon: Salvation.

XII. Death is the cessation of life. At the last breath, the human spirit plus the divine spirit if applicable (in believers) returns to the Father who gave it to them. This is as far as the Old Testament goes other than alluding to blessings and long life for the righteous. Anything beyond this admittance is speculation. The resurrection of 1 Cor. 15 has its early roots in Egyptian mythology. In fact, Egyptian and early philosophical myths were adopted by the early church from pagans. Among these is the immortal soul deception that claims an immediate ride to a heavenly abode. This contradicts 1 Cor. which states that the dead are asleep and will awake during one of three resurrections. Most of the New Testament mirrors the Old although it draws upon the Septuagint translation. Today's Old Testament is based on the Masoretic Text which proves to be different. We know that the body decays and returns to “dust.” The dead know nothing and are unresponsive and the decomposition process starts immediately. If death is considered as a sleep whether literally or symbolically—the intention seems to be the soul or spirit is at rest but will be able to respond. Our Father is in full and ultimate control of the details revolving around death. The early church attracted new converts by sharing a means to save a soul and promise of an afterlife. There appears to be an awakening event in some form or fashion. Judgment is promised and real. A time and place for that has to occur at some point. What He has in mind for each of us individually or collectively, we cannot fully know at this time. All is speculation. A renewed and perfect earthly everlasting kingdom with “one God” for all is what is promised and we look forward to. Faith that He is in charge and we are in His hands and determines our destiny is what we can take comfort in. Coming soon: Death.

XIII. The Children of Jacob or Israel—the Hebrews (even today) are not exclusively “Jews” but consist of the combined but divided tribes of the houses of Judah and lost tribes of the north labeled as Ephraim. (AKA: “The ‘lost’ tribes of the House of Israel.”) Modern Jews form the southern house of Israel and are the majority descendants of the Tribes of Judah and Simeon. Additional migration occurred from the tribes of Levi, Benjamin, and southern/eastern neighbors i.e., the Moabites. Israel—the name’s sake or ‘Ephraim’ the northern house—includes the other majority 10 tribes that have been mostly scattered since Assyrian captivity. The northern tribes were not wiped out completely. Jesus even stated that his commission was to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Prophesy states there will be a consolidation in the future that will last forever. YHVH Himself must call out and identify and deal directly with these “lost” children of Israel to reunite them with Himself and the southern house of Judah along with His other chosen ones or believers. Coming Soon: The Tribes of Israel

XIV. Eating unclean meats remains a factor in our physical health. YHVH stated whether you are consuming a land, air, or sea creature to not eat the blood of it under any circumstance. Secondly in a broad stroke, scavengers are not fit for human consumption. That is plain language and a good rule of thumb from the Creator Himself. Even animals are “what they eat.” It is still detrimental to your health to eat the established unclean beasts, fish, etc. Coming soon: Unclean Meats.

XV. Seven annual high or “sacred” days were instituted by YHVH to commemorate historical events or foreshadow future events, and each still holds special meaning for believers today. Although they were instituted under different circumstances, cultures, and had different requirements each has applicable meaning. Each day or period also has a symbolic, futuristic, and meaningful lesson that may serve as both a warning and a reminder. Most are celebratory and happy occasions which are a joyful and necessary means to fellowship with other believers and our Creator. Each day or feast requires(d) a sacred assembly and involvement. Coming soon: YHVH’s Sacred Days.

XVI. Any sexual act or union outside of the bonds of marriage between the husband and wife constitutes sin. This includes all deviations and substitutions and includes both fornication and adultery. Even lusting or coveting someone else’s spouse or another is a sinful act according to the ten commandments.

XVII. Abortion is the killing of a child. This is not a political issue, but a spiritual issue because it involves the act of murder. At conception or pregnancy (with child) a new and different entity begins existence and has his/her own personal human rights. The new creation is not a part of the mother’s body but a temporary resident from the Creator. Taking of a life at any stage is not an acceptable form of birth control nor should it ever be “planned.” When either or both mother and baby’s health are in jeopardy the same principle applies and must be handled with much prayer, supplication, consulting, and faith.

More beliefs will be given as it warrants. Got a question? Review often or check our latest posts as new additions will be shared.

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I have found a true community of believers who are dedicated to honoring the name of Yehovah. The teachings are enlightening and inspiring.

Elijah M.

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