Your new moons and your appointed feasts
- My soul hates...
Isa. 1:14 NKJ

NCAY is dedicated to the mission of proclaiming His sacred name and coming reign.
Join us in our mission!

Seventh Day Sabbath

His set apart people will identify with His name and observe His set-apart and sacred Sabbath. His people will not conform to the wicked ways of the world. No religion has the power to change His date and time for weekly worship, praise, and rest that was established at creation.

woman reading book
woman reading book

Worship and Assembly

The Sabbath is a sacred day to Yhvh. It was blessed and sactified by our Creator for His use, angelic use, and for His human creation... even for our employees, and animals that labor. Find out more here...



is a nondenominational international sabbath-keeping ministry that promotes its mission, vision, and beliefs.

MISSION: NCAY shall proclaim the sacred name & reign of Yhvh.

OUR VISION IS THE FUTURE: A spiritual utopia brought about by the earthly reign of Yhvh.

The NCAY graphic represents one assembly with Yhvh. The outline or exterior is Yhvh and the two sides of the trunk's branches represent the two tribes: Joseph/Ephraim (or Israel) and Judah (Jews). The two shall grow together into one as the New Covenant Assembly of YHVH!
Ezekiel 37

There is a singular entity known as the Eternal One of Israel who created all that is and revealed Himself in the book of Genesis. He is the One who alone is worthy of our praise and worship as Creator, Father, and "God".

Worship or acknowledgment of another being or anything else is considered idolatry which is a violation of the 1st commandment.

I am הוה, you shall have no god but me... Ex 20

His proper name was written in early Hebrew with four consonants that translate in modern English as YHWH or YHVH (preferred).

Letters in Hebrew convey meaning... and the name is said to convey that Yhvh is the only self-existent being with life in and of Himself.

In the book of Psalms, David called upon the Eternal One using the name Yah as in hallelujah

[praise ye Yah] for praise, worship, song, and to express deep gratitude. He used it lovingly, and happily... and this example of praise and worship with His name Yah will be followed by NCAY.
(In Aramaic, it is Allah.)

Praise Yah, O my soul! As long as I live, I will praise and sing to Yah... Ps. 146:1-2

Yhvh, Himself will again dwell among humans once again whether by a supernatural means or as He did with His temple in Jerusalem... it happened through His NAME. It is Yhvh that is spoken of by name whose feet will stand on the Mount of Olives and the mount will cleave in two.

The power of His name alone dwelt among His people and the temple became sacred by the placing of His name by Him. Read the story of David shortly before his death in speaking with Solomon about the requirements of him and what Yhvh Himself stated about the blessing of his presence.

New Covenant

Jer. 31 describes a new covenant assembly of believers composed of believers identified as both Israel and Judah, a combined house, and others that share a direct relationship with the Sacred One... No priest, no messiah, and no seers are mentioned as a go-between in the renewed aka NEW covenant. We stand alone and culpable for our own sins, not for previous generations or others. This is total forgiveness. He will also forgive our sins when asked as a believer and follower. It takes commitment, loyalty, and faith. He will write His laws on our hearts... He promises a personal relationship with His people. He is in charge. It is an earthly kingdom that is Yhvh's that will never cease!

A Dynamic Mission

NCAY shall preach and teach the principles above and seek to provide a platform to enhance unity and promote love, faith, praise, worship, and spiritual growth among Yhvh's assembly of brethren and coworkers. He will do the rest!

What is that name?

Strong's Concordance clip of 3068 yhvh
Strong's Concordance clip of 3068 yhvh

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Nondenominational sabbath keepers promoting the name and coming reign of Yehovah or Yah (our Father).


Online; DFW

Hours Available

Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm CST
1+(816) 974-NCAY (6229)